Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bill Would Free Up Storage For Auditors

During the legislative session, auditors follow proposed legislation and make recommendations on bills. It doesn't always work, of course.

But there's one bill this year with strong bipartisan support and a good chance of passing.

You May Not Know but the way the law's written now, auditors have to keep original paper copies of voter registration forms forever. This takes up a lot of storage space.

OK, maybe not that much space. But, according to our on-site expert at the Secondary Roads department where we store the old forms, "enough to park a dump truck."

House File 2366 (formerly House Study Bill 622) would allow for electronic storage of voter registration applications. Once the forms have been scanned, they can be securely shredded.

HF2366 is currently in the Senate State Government Committee. The next "funnel" (deadline for legislation to either advance or die) is at the end of this week.

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