Wednesday, July 23, 2014

City Elections To Be Included On November 4 Ballot

Three Johnson County cities – North Liberty, Oxford, and Solon – will have special elections for city offices on the November 4 general election ballot.

Iowa law says that city council appointments last until the next scheduled city election. Because the local option sales tax will appear on the general election ballot, the general election is now considered the next scheduled city election. The Johnson County Attorney and the Iowa Secretary of State’s Office concur in this opinion.

Recent changes in state law will, in the future, postpone similar elections to the next regularly scheduled city election, in November of odd years. However, all of the Johnson County vacancies occurred before the new law took effect on July 1.

The recent vacancy on the Iowa City School Board will not appear on the November 4 ballot. The general election is not considered a school election, and under state law school elections may not be combined with any other elections.

The recent vacancy on the University Heights city council will not appear on the ballot because of the city’s provision for primary elections.

The following offices will appear on the November 4 ballot:

North Liberty
Mayor (3 year term)
Council (3 year term)

Vacancies due to death of mayor Tom Salm and resignation of council member Gerry Kuhl (appointed as mayor).

Council (1 year term)
Vacancy due to resignation of council member Gary Wilkinson (elected as mayor in 2013 with two years remaining on council term).

Mayor (1 year term)
Council (3 year term)
Vacancies due to resignations of mayor Cami Rasmussen and council member Steve Stange (appointed as mayor).

The filing deadline for all cities is August 27. North Liberty offices require 25 signatures. Oxford and Solon require 10 signatures. City candidates will file with the city clerk (not with the auditor's office).

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